This article looks at the identification of public transport routes that tend to have recurring delays.
Is the fear of Covid-19 infections in public transport really justified? What is the likelihood that someone will get infected in public transport?
Here's an introduction to a data-driven solution we've been working on: Fahrbar.
This article goes through the topic of demand analysis for public transport routes.
This article dives into multimodal transport and routes that make or break multimodal transport.
Big Data has the potential to improve the world through sustainability practices. Here are ten use cases for achieving sustainability through Big Data.
Covid-19 and Big Data have together sparked these trends that we should expect to carry on in 2021 and beyond.
This article lists the many possible people counting options that public transport operators have for counting the number of passengers in public transport.
Defining public transport delays is not as straightforward as we think. This article dives deep into this complex topic.
How can mobile data help bring sustainability to greater heights? Here are 6 ways.