The public transport data sparsity from our previous article led to our attempt in finding more answers using heatmaps to zoom in to the limited data we have.
Here's how we familiarised ourselves with the public transport people counting data set we received.
Here's an introduction to a data-driven solution we've been working on: Fahrbar.
Wir freuen uns total, dass uns der TV Sender “Baden TV” um ein Interview zu Bundestagswahl […]
Twitter Analyse der Bundestagswahl Teil 3: TV Duell, Fünfkampf, Spitzenkandidaten, Effekte “Was bringt das TV Duell […]
Twitter Bigdata Analyse der Bundestagswahl Teil 2: Berichte und Deutung -> Artikel Serie Teil 1: Technik […]
Twitter Analyse der Bundestagswahl Teil 1:  Technik und Motivation Inhalt Wie funktioniert die Bigdata Bundestagswahlanalyse? Zusammenfassung […]
We are proud to announce our latest Big Data App the “” We have utilized our […]
We were really thrilled to be selected for a talk at the eTravelWorld.Thereby, we showed how […]
Our product video for STAPPZ has finally arrived. We are thrilled and curious to see how […]