Big Data's impact on some important sectors is no longer a novelty but not everyone is convinced of its utility. So we put together some examples of how.
Can blockchain make a difference in public transport? We find out from research literature.
Most people opt for public transport because they cannot afford private cars. So it's crucial to serve their transport needs with Big Data.
Behind the day-to-day operations of public transport are the public transport workers, who have been hit hard by Covid-19.
Kenya's transport landscape doesn't bear much resemblance to the conventional ones. Could this influence the data analysis of Kenya's transport system?
Despite the perceived risk of Covid-19 infections in public transport, more passengers might be using public transport nowadays.
In rural areas, access to public transport is often poor compared to urban areas. Hence, the rural areas need an improved public transit system.
Is it really good to have bike-friendly cities and how do we get them? Let's find out in this article.
Use of Geographic Information System for Public Transit
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is giving public transport the ability to develop and use data with a much higher degree of efficiency.
This article explores how big data can help the tourism industry recover from the downfall they have faced during the global lockdowns.