It is safe to state that South African commuters are clearly unhappy with public transport service quality. Here's why.
The German public transportation system is efficient, reliable, fast, and comfortable. What's Germany's secret recipe?
Driving in Australia is harder than using public transport. Here's what Australia's public transport system is like.
Brazil, just like any other country in South America, has witnessed rapid urbanization. This has an implication on transport, particularly public transport.
Why do multimodal public transport associations need to distribute ticket revenue to the multiple operators in charge of the multiple modes of transport?
Occupancy prediction is one of the many ways Big Data is proving to be useful to both the passenger and the transit authority in Poland.
Since big data can be well-implemented in public transport, what are the first, second and third party data for public transport? This article takes a look.
This article looks at why it makes sense to use sensor data analytics in public transport.
Big Data's impact on some important sectors is no longer a novelty but not everyone is convinced of its utility. So we put together some examples of how.
Can blockchain make a difference in public transport? We find out from research literature.