Bundestagswahl: Live Social Media Analysis

We are proud to announce our latest Big Data App the “Bundestagswahlanalyse.de”


We have utilized our Big Data Solution to build a realtime analysis dashboard to show and research the daily german party activity in the Twitter network.

We’ve targeted the goal to give the dashboards users an overview of the popularity of the different parties in realtime as well as in aggregated forms.
The technical goal is it to benchmark our Big Data technology and infrastructure.

A twitter bot is posting daily and hourly reports as tweets with pictures back to twitter:

Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/BTWAnalyse
Link: https://bundestagswahlanalyse.de

German Press announcement:

Update (29th April 2021): Check out our latest project, Fahrbar!

Get in touch with us

If you are interested in Fahrbar or want to find out how we can help you leverage your data
